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Update in the game 22.05.2017

mNigma's picture

Information from the group VK.

Update the game:
1. Added the quest system, while only training quests.

2. A significant change in fish using energy. With 10 level will be able to increase the capacity energy and the chances of catching trophy instance will increase significantly.
To increase the power of energy press Shift . Each click takes 1 energy Bank and adds 25% to power. The maximum you can increase the power energy 100%

3. The change in the ambient chart, revised and reworked all the locations. 

4. Changes in the lottery. Cut loss spinning baits , instead they added the loss of other rare lures and items

5. To alert you to a new level will be pretty fisherwoman)

6. The game has been translated to 4 languages (Polish, German, French, Spanish)

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